Affiliate Marketing And How To Keyword Research

Want to know how to keyword research for affiliate marketing in the simplest form ever?

In simple terms affiliate marketing is kind of like this!

You find a cool product that you really like, and you tell your friends & family about it. You then tell your friends to click on a special link and buy the coolest product ever made.

If they bought it you get a little treat, a commission for helping spread the word!

Buckle Up!: Unveiling the Secrets of Affiliate Marketing and the Keyword Conquest!

Have you ever dreamt about working anywhere in the world and making a descent income?

Affiliate marketing might be your golden ticket! But before you start stocking up on Pina Coladas, let’s crack the code on this sweet side hustle called affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing: From Zero to Hero

Imagine this: you create awesome content (think blog posts, videos, social media magic, sales funnels) that promotes someone else’s amazing product.

When a reader clicks your special affiliate link and buys something, you earn a commission! Now that’s pretty sweet, right?

You don’t have to box it, send it or deal with customer service issues. You just need to guide customers to the best products that solve a problem for someone else in your niche.

Here’s the breakdown:

  • You’re the Curator: You pick products you love and genuinely believe in
  • Content is King: You create captivating content that educates, entertains, and compels readers to click your affiliate links.
  • The Trust Factor: Building trust with your audience is crucial. Be transparent and avoid shady tactics.
  • Affiliate Programs Galore: There are programs for practically anything – fitness trackers, gourmet spatulas, you name it!

Keyword Research: The Magic Words to Riches & Massive Amounts of Traffic

So, you’ve got your niche and affiliate program picked. Now, how do you get people to see your amazing content?

Enter keyword research, the secret sauce of attracting the right audience.

Think of keywords like tiny treasure maps leading people to your content. Here’s how to find the golden ones:

  • Know Your Audience & Ideal Customer: Who are you trying to reach? Fitness fanatics? Foodies? Understanding their search terms is key.
  • Long-Tail Treasures: Don’t just aim for generic keywords like “blender.” Go for long-tail variations like “best quiet blenders for smoothies.” These are more specific and have less competition.
  • Free Spy Tools: There are tons of free and paid keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs. Use them to discover search volume, competition level, and related keywords.
  • Think Like a Detective: Put yourself in your audience’s shoes. What questions would they ask? What problems are they trying to solve? Brainstorm keyword ideas based on that.

Pro Tip: Once you have your keyword list, sprinkle them throughout your content naturally, but don’t overdo it! No keyword stuffing, just natural flow about your phrase or topic.

Remember: Keyword research is an ongoing quest. Keep exploring new terms and phrases as your audience and niche evolve.

Build a Community: Use Fun and Engagement

Affiliate marketing isn’t just about shoving products down people’s throats. It’s about building a community and having fun! Here are some ideas:

  • Interactive Content: Create quizzes, polls, and contests related to your niche.
  • Humor Me: Don’t be afraid to inject some personality and humor into your content. People connect with authenticity.
  • Visual Appeal: High-quality images and videos grab attention and make your content more engaging.

Mastering Google’s Tools for Keyword Research

Google is pretty cool! They give away so much amazing tech for free. So go explore these sweat SEO tools:

Google Search Console for Keyword Insights

Here is your step-by-step guide to insights on your site.

Google Search Console is a secret weapon for website owners. It helps you see how your site shows up in search results. Here’s how to unleash the power of the beast:

Step 1: Sign Up and Claim Your Site

  1. Get Google. You’ll need a Google account to use Search Console.
  2. Search Console HQ: Head over to and get started.
  3. Claim Your Site: Tell Search Console which website you’re the owner of. You can add a website address (URL) or use tools like Google Analytics to prove you own the site.
Google search console

I personally do all this through my WordPress site using a plugin called Google site kit. Very easy and quick.

Once on the platform you can learn a heap of important information about your website. You can see:

  • Compare Impressions, clicks
  • Track traffic sources, are you visitors coming from Google, Facebook, You tube
  • Top performing keywords that you didn’t even realize you ranked for
  • Top posts that are getting the most traffic
  • Customer insights such as location, gender, time of day, time spent on site

And much, much more information that I don’t even need as a online marketer.

Step 2: Cracking the Search Console Code

Now that your in, Search Console offers a treasure trove of information. Here are some key features:

  • Performance Check: See which keywords people use to find your site and how well your pages are ranking in search results.
  • Health Check: Search Console sniffs out any issues that might prevent your site from being seen in searches.
  • Mobile Friendly? Make sure your site looks fantastic on phones and tablets, because that’s how people browse these days!

Step 3: Taking Action

Search Console gives you the info, but you’re the captain! Here’s what you can do:

  • Fix Indexing Issues: If Search Console finds problems with your pages, you can fix them and resubmit the pages for indexing (being added to search results).
  • Keyword Champion: Use the keyword data to improve your content and target the right audience.
  • Mobile Wizard: If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, make changes to ensure a smooth experience for phone users.

Bonus Tip: Search Console is a deep well of information, so don’t be afraid to explore all the features and settings. There are also plenty of online tutorials to help you become a Search Console master!

Leveraging Google Trends for Topical Keyword Ideas

Visit Google trends here and start exploring trends for your topics. Once you find a topic that people are searching for then you can begin by narrowing it down.

How to use Google Trends

Choose a search term, then pick a country or worldwide option and see what the interest looks like.

You can then narrow your search down to region or even most popular city, pretty cool!

Understanding the Role of Google Keyword Planner

Let’s now look at the Google keyword planner software, get it here.

Best tips for building a keyword list for your ads. When I say ads that is what this platform is primarily used for, but you can use it for keyword research.

Your keywords need to match the terms your new potential customers are going to be searching for to find your products or services.

  • Tip 1 – Think like a customer
  • Tip 2 – Target specific customers
  • Tip 3 – Reach more customers
Google keyword finder

Conducting Free and Effective Keyword Research

Here are some of the best free keyword research tools online that help you get started. Try out:

  • Ubersuggest
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Ahrefs Free SEO Tools
  • AnswerThePublic
  • Wealthy Affiliate Starter Program
  • Jaaxy Free Starter Program
  • Quora – Reddit (for ideas)

Hot Tip! – Once you have your hot keyword phrase, plug it into Google search and see what else comes up. Then take what the public are searching on page one and try to incorporate that into your content.

Subscription based keyword research tools that come at a price include:

  • Keywords Everywhere
  • SE Ranking
  • Moz Pro
  • Ahrefs
  • Semrush

Other great places to search for amazing keyword phrases is joining online forums, community discussions, and social media.

This should give you some inspiration!

Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Part of Wealthy Affiliate

I currently use Jaaxy because it is included with my Wealthy Affiliate membership. This program is such a bargin that I would be an idiot not to be a member.

I pay about $49 USD per month and get a ton of value that you can’t get anywhere else on the internet.

Benefits include:

  • Hosting for 25 websites (So I can build new sites using different niches if I want)
  • Full support and tech help, they back everything up and have fast servers
  • Jaaxy keyword research software (allows me to search for sort after keywords unlimited!)
  • Training & online classes
  • Domain hosting & email
  • Business hubs (Includes website structure to follow, tasks to complete & follow along training)
  • AI writer (Helps you write faster and unique)
  • World class affiliate program & access to businesses around the world selling the best brands)
  • 2 million strong community of like minded people for support and mentoring)
  • And so much more!

This is why I am a member and probably always will be.

If you want to give it a try for FREE then just click on this link and create an account and take it for a test drive to see what you think.

Choosing the Best Keywords with Jaaxy

Identifying the best keywords that balance traffic potential and competition is the key. If you are just starting out try and pick lower sort after keywords with low competition that you can rank for easier and work your way up!

Here is a good example:

The Jaaxy Review 2024 Broad Keywords

You put in keyword you are chasing then hit the “Get QSR letters” The results then appear on the page above like so.

  • Start here – Enter search term you would like to rank for such as “How to get a fit body”
  • Avg – Study the results by looking at the average number of searches the keyword receives per month
  • Traffic – the traffic you will receive if you rank on page one of Google per month
  • QSR – Quoted search results, the number of competing websites ranked on Google for this keyword
  • KQI – Keyword quality indicator, Green is great, Yellow is ok, Red is poor
  • SEO – a score based on traffic and competition, the higher the score the more likely you will rank on page 1 for keyword. 1-100 high being the best.
  • Domains – Domains, the availability of domains related to that keyword

This is how you use the Jaaxy Keyword tool to it’s best.

Good luck!

The Final Takeaway with Affiliate Marketing And How To Keyword Research

Affiliate marketing is a fantastic way to build a side hustle (or even a full-time income) if you do it right.

By combining stellar content, strategic keyword research, and a dash of fun, you can attract an audience and earn those sweet commissions.

So, put on your marketing hat, grab your metaphorical shovel, and start digging for affiliate marketing gold!

Further help to get you going faster is all below:

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