The Jaaxy Review 2024 (Best Keyword Tool?)

If you want to build a long lasting, powerful, traffic generating website you will need to read the Jaaxy Review 2024.

Google is adapting and changing with the invention of AI so you need to be on top of your game. This means having the right tools for the right job.

If you are just relying on paid advertising to survive or word of mouth then your longevity as a business may be at risk.

Don’t Go Broke Like 50% Of Businesses

Did you know according to Lending Tree about:

  • 20% of businesses fail in their first year of business
  • 50% of businesses fail within 5 years

This happens due to a range of factors that I’m not going to get into now because we are talking about online keyword tools that help you get ranked on search engines.

But a contributing factor is cashflow problems, but if you rank highly for some of the most profitable keywords online you won’t have these problems. This is because you can control your traffic, leads and sales through laser focused keyword research using a program like Jaaxy.

Online World Is Always Changing

Platforms change, ads get more expensive, customers become numb to ads and there are only so many people in your local area that you can service and sell to, so market saturation kicks in and you stop growing and die.

Long-term success in building your business means you must be searchable, rank high for popular keywords and hold major authority in your niche.

Two Types of Keywords

  1. A long tail keyword is a phrase that is made from 3 to 5 plus words and are more specific
  2. Short-tail keywords are broad, generic, and very popular terms that have a high search volume and high competition

Solving Problems

When a customer has a problem needing solving they generally turn to Google, You Tube, Bing, or Yahoo to find the solution,

You need to have a ready online solution for your dream customer. This is WHY you need the best keyword tool on earth to rank high on Google for your dream customers query.

Solve their problems with your solutions and kapow! You have a raving customer. (As long as you are running a healthy business that is!)

You will have the ultimate power with traffic that never stops, traffic that costs nothing to aquire for the rest of your working life.

Website Traffic Using Jaaxy Keyword tool

This is a snap shot from one of my websites, you see the traffic flow I get from creating a few keyword rich blog posts. That’s 3,931 potential customers on my website per month that visit for FREE!

Setting up your website for search is a must if you want free traffic and unlimited leads coming in to your business.

Let’s look at the Jaaxy Keyword research tool that can help you find the ultimate keyword for your niche.

You too can have a traffic generating website that feeds you for life! Or until the internet is replaced.

The Jaaxy Review 2024 Keyword Finder

I have been using this sneaky little piece of technology for around 8 years now and it has helped me rank for heaps of valuable keywords.

Low Hanging Fruit Keywords

Starting out you want to look for low hanging fruit keywords that has less competition. Phrases such as:

  • How to fix a leaking tap in winter
  • What are the benefits of drinking lemon water
  • How to change your oil in your car
The Jaaxy Review 2024 Longtail keywords

Broad Term Keywords

The broad keyword terms have a lot of competition from the big authoritive companies in general. Unless you are pretty established, stay away from these.

Examples include:

  • Coffee
  • Clothes
  • Books
The Jaaxy Review 2024 Broad Keywords

Best Keyword Software On The Web Overview

There are so many incredable benefits to having the Jaaxy keyword software in your marketing toolkit.

Benefits include:

  • Keyword research – quickly discover unique, hot and untouched keywords that drive SEO
  • Alphabet Soup – Type in keyword then search the alphabet for amazing keywords
  • Site Rank – See how good your articles are performing
  • Saved keyword lists – group fav keywords into one area for later use
  • Brainstorming – Ideas for good keywords
  • Search History
  • Search Analysis
  • Affiliate programs

Name a better keyword search tool that does all of this?

Get 30 Free Keyword Searches To Start

Jaaxy keyword monster believes:

To Beat Your Competition, You Need To Know More Than Them!

Jaaxy Website

Having the power to find keywords that your competition doesn’t know about puts you in the lead when it comes to online business.

Did you know Jaaxy keyword research is included when you sign up to a Wealthy Affiliate membership?

But if that doesn’t interest you and you would like to give it a go here are the Jaxxy membership options.

Starter Membership

This is the trial service and it’s free, this includes:

  • 30 Keyword Searches
  • 20 Search Results
  • Website Analyzer
  • Affiliate Program Finder
  • Keyword List Manager
  • Brainstorm Idea Feed
  • Keyword Competition Data
  • Affiliate Program
  • 1x Speed
  • 30 SiteRank Analysis Scans

Perfect for people or businesses that just want to find 30 amazing keywords to include into their website blog articles.

Pro Membership

The Pro membership is their most popular and for new websites & existing, it includes:

  • Everything that the STARTER MEMBERSHIP PROVIDES +
  • Sortable Search Results
  • Unlimited Search History
  • Search Analysis
  • Manual QSR Search
  • Manual Domain Search
  • Alphabet Soup (15/letter)
  • 2 x Multi-Threaded Search
  • 25k SiteRank Analysis Scans

This is the plan I use everyday and it works well for me, but as I said earlier this membership is included in my Wealthy Affiliate membership which only costs me $49.00 US a month! (How awesome is that for value!)

Standalone this membership costs $49.00 US per month.

Enterprise Membership

The plan for power users, or really serious businesses. This plan includes:

  • Everything from PRO MEMBERSHIP +
  • 35 Search Results
  • 5 x Speed
  • Automated QSR
  • Automated Domain Search
  • Alphabet Soup (50/letter)
  • 5 x Multi-Threaded Search
  • Unlimited Keyword Lists
  • 10k SiteRank Analysis Scans

If you put out a lot of content and have the cashflow available, I would recommend this plan for your business.

Standalone this membership costs $99.00 US per month.

How Jaaxy Keyword Finder Works

Here is how the online keyword tool works for you. The search bar looks like this below:

Search Bar

Jaaxy online keyword tool

  • Step .1 – Enter search term you would like to rank for such as “How to get a fit body”
  • Avg – Study the results by looking at the average number of searches the keyword receives per month
  • Traffic – the traffic you will receive if you rank on page one of Google per month
  • QSR – Quoted search results, the number of competing websites ranked on Google for this keyword
  • KQI – Keyword quality indicator, Green is great, Yellow is ok, Red is poor
  • SEO – a score based on traffic and competition, the higher the score the more likely you will rank on page 1 for keyword. 1-100 high being the best.
  • Domains – Domains, the availability of domains related to that keyword

To the right of the keywords are related keyword searches that you can try and see if they work better or not.

What You Are Looking For In a Keyword

In general you are looking for a keyword phrase that has a high number of searches, high traffic with a low QSR and high SEO score.

The example phrase above is a great keyword phrase to write and article about. If the KQI is green saying it’s great then this is a good one that you can rank for.

Remember the keyword phrase needs to make sense, don’t choose “How get fit body” this is not proper english and your readers will not like it or trust your article.

Google, Bing and Yahoo are on the lookout for searches intent, so if you are helpful and informative in relation to your keyword phrase it should do well over time if written correctly.

The Jaaxy Review 2024 Pros & Cons

Like with any piece of software, there are good points and not so good points. Let’s see how Jaaxy performed:

The Good Things About Jaaxy Online Keyword Tool

  1. Easy to use, not very complicated to find awesome keyword phrases to use for your content
  2. Millions of keyword phrase options (unlimited in my mind)
  3. Uncover millions of niches, access to the Brainstorm, Affiliate Search, and Alphabet Soup platforms
  4. Uncover high quality domains
  5. SiteRank allow you to monitor and track ANY rankings in Google, Yahoo, or Bing for any website!
  6. Jaaxy is going to allow you to “spy” on your competition and probe into why their websites are ranking, where they rank, get insightful data into website content structure, meta tags, quality of content, backlinks, and ad placements
  7. Affordable for what you get inside
  8. Comes FREE when you have a Wealthy Affiliate Membership (So much value $)

The Bad Things About Jaaxy Online Keyword Tool

  1. Only get 30 searches on Starter version
  2. Can be a little confusing using the other features especially (Search analysis, siterank etc)

Who is Jaaxy For?

Jaaxy is for online entrepreneurs who want to write helpful blog posts for their target audience. By finding the correct keyword term for you niche your business can help solve other peoples problems with your amazing solutions.

If you can rank on page one of Google you will reach more people thus helping users make informed decisions that effect their lives.

Need to share your message with the world? Then keep reading the Jaaxy review 2024.

Business owners will benefit with an unlimited flow of free traffic to their website which will gather more leads and make more money.

Jaaxy Keyword Tools & Training

The software includes training videos and training in the support section that walks you through how to use Jaaxy and there are 3 cool free downloads on how to use Jaaxy.

If you are an affiliate marketer you can promote Jaaxy is you fall in love with the online keyword tool.

Jaaxy Online Keyword Tool Price

As you have already seen the pricing tier memberships range from FREE to Pro account priced at $49.00 and enterprized priced at US$99 dollars per month.

Choose which option suits your business needs and start finding those hidden keyword gems that can change your life.

My Final Opinion of The Jaaxy Keyword Tool

I started using Jaaxy keyword research tool because of my Wealthy Affiliate membership and it has created for me amazing results. Traffic flows on auto pilot for me and can for you to if you choose the right keyword phrases for you niche.

I fully recommend this product to anyone who wants to build a powerful website and rank highly in the search engines such as Google. I hope that my Jaaxy review 2024 has shed some light on keyword research tools and the possibilities.

With a little bit of hard work and time you can create your own traffic machine and make the world your oyster.

It is worth a try if you like to write helpful content and change the world. Don’t let me be the judge just sign up for a FREE account and try it out.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

“Dare to be courageous in life.
You have nothing to lose.”

 –Lailah Gifty Akita

The Jaaxy Review 2024 Keyword Tool at a Glance…

Name: JaaxyThe Worlds Most Advanced Keyword Tool

Price: $0 – $99.00 US per month

Best for – Writing articles / Blog posts for SEO

Suitable for – Beginner to Advanced writers

Verdict: 90/100

Interested in writing for SEO for your business? Then read our article on:

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