Wealthy Affiliate Reviews (Why You Should Start Here?)

Have you got the skills to start a business online yet? If not then this Wealthy Affiliate reviews article is for you!

My name is Brian and I have been with the Wealthy Affiliate company for around 7 years now. Not only is this a place you can make money online but it also has some of the most in-depth training online.

Don’t be fooled, this is not a get rich quick scheme where you sign up and it starts producing income on day one. You will have to learn first then start to build your dreams on the platform step by step.

It is hands down the best place to start your online business, with full training, domain hosting, 50 free websites, keyword research tools, AI tools, email and full support at your fingertips.

You have come to the right place, welcome.


Introduction to Wealthy Affiliate: Building a Passionate Business

Wealthy Affiliate was born in 2006 by co-founders Alex and Kyle who wanted to help everyday people get online and build a profitable website around your passion.

The site basically offers 3 different plans to customers:

1. Starter Plan

2. Professional Plan

3. Professional Plus Plan

Starter Plan (FREE!)

Test and try out the Wealthy Affiliate service with their limited starter experience.

The FREE plan includes these awesome features:

Key benefits include:

  • 1,500 AI Word Credits ($7.50 Value)
  • AI Author Platform (BETA)
  • 1 Practice Website
  • 1 Limited Business Hub
  • Jaaxy Starter (Keyword tool)
  • Limited Help & Support (Don’t worry I will get you set up!!)
  • Their Core Niche Training (8 Classes)

Premium Plan (From $58.08 a month)

Provides everything you need to build a successful business.

Premium Plan key benefits:

  • 7,000 AI Word Credits/mo ($35 Value)
  • AI Author Platform (BETA)
  • Weekly Expert Classes
  • Core Niche Training (20 Classes)
  • Bootcamp Training (20 Classes)
  • 3 50 Profit-Ready Websites (grandfathered)
  • 50 Full Business Hubs
  • Jaaxy Lite (Keyword research)
  • Unlimited Help & Support
  • 24/7 Website Tech Support

Premium Plus Plan (From $68 a month)

Designed for businesses and sites seeking enhanced productivity, speed, and scalability.

Premium Plus Plan key benefits:

  • 15,000 AI Word Credits/mo ($75 Value)
  • AI Author Platform (BETA)
  • Daily Expert Classes
  • Core Niche Training (20 Classes)
  • Bootcamp Training (20 Classes)
  • 10 50 Profit-Ready Websites (grandfathered)
  • 50 Full Business Hubs
  • Jaaxy Enterprise ($99/mo value)
  • Unlimited Help & Support
  • 24/7 Website Tech Support

Also Wealthy Affiliate is always updating it’s platform and adding cool new features. Just this year they added Business Hub where you can manage your whole business in one location.

In the Hub you can do everything from building your website, research, content ideas, and training.

It is awesome so try it out for FREE here, just follow this link and sign up for your starter plan.

Identifying Your Niche: The Foundation of Your Online Empire

This is a hard one, because once you start putting in the work you don’t want to just turn around and change. So do your research and make sure you head down a path you are passionate about to an extent.

The Significance Of Choosing The Right Niche.

Choosing a sort after niche is very important, but what is more important is to choose an area that remains evergreen.

Evergreen niches stay relatively strong through out the years, providing you with a constant interest in your topic all year round. (eg. Healthcare, fitness, food)

Try to avoid short term trends and fads, these may be good for a short time but will vanish once the market is done with the hot trend. (Eg, fidget spinners)

Tips on finding the perfect niche aligned with your interests and passions.

  • Identify your interests. This is a crucial step.
  • Identify problems you can solve in the marketplace.
  • Focus on individuals. Customer avatars.
  • Experiment with ideas.
  • Gather feedback as fast as possible to evaluate idea.
  • Forget about making money at the beginning. Just start.
  • Look at successful competitors. Model best practices.
  • Find your unique selling point. Stand out with advantage.

How Wealthy Affiliate Aids in Niche Selection.

Watch this video here on tips how to choose the right niche for you and your personality. Click here!

Here are some tips on finding a niche aligned with your interests and passions:

  • Look at your passions and unique skills, what makes you excited
  • What are your hobbies? Can you turn that into a product or service?
  • Utilize your strengths like people skills, writing, video or podcasting

Wealthy Affiliate can aid in niche selection within the Hubs section. You are going to be able to get heaps of ideas related to your niche.

This is going to provide you with 100’s of low competition, and highly targeted ideas across your niche that you can use to further build out your business, generate high value traffic, and earn money with your business.

You will save a heap of time using this platform.

Creating Your Online Presence: Website Development Simplified

A step-by-step guide on building a website with Wealthy Affiliate

Using the program to build your amazing website is very easy if you just follow the training. Websites are designed using WordPress and don’t worry it is all easy to follow.

You will learn how to:

  • Pick a suitable template to customize
  • Write content for your site – SEO
  • Setup website structure
  • Special tools and features to include in your website for better engagement and end user experience.
  • Using Plug-ins
  • How to build menus
  • Building Pages
  • Customizing images, look and feel

The Pillars of Digital Real Estate: Domain and Hosting Solutions

Choosing your domain can be hard! You want an easy to remember domain that represents your brand.

Wealthy Affiliate also includes domain registration and hosting for your site. Just type the domain you want and find out if it has been taken or is available.

Add to cart for around $15 dollars and your cooking.

Wealthy Affiliate Domains

No need to compare Wealthy Affiliate’s hosting services to other market options because their one is the best.

Driving Traffic and Establishing Authority: Content Is King

Blogging using your selected niche is the secret to a powerful website that attracts an audience.

Writing for search is a skill in itself and can take a little bit of time to master, but with the training at WA you can get going fast without the timely mistakes.

Here is a quick breakdown of how to drive traffic and make your content king:

  • Find great keywords using Jaxxy Keyword research tool, (included in WA)
  • Utilize keyword phrase in writing your post as the heading
  • Write article sharing your expertise or honest experience using the hiriecy of headings, subheadings, paragraphs, bullet points and images to convey your message.
  • Use the correct order of headings. (H1,H2,H3)
  • Answer and solve all problems relating to topic
  • Use Google search to find out what other related topics your ideal customer are searching for and answer these questions in your content
  • Add internal links to your other pages within your site and add an external link to a helpful source
  • Include images relating to your topic to help explain your content better, also include alt descriptions
  • Include downloadable content, video embeds from you tube, hopefully your links
  • And always include a call to action at the end

There are a heap of other tricks, but you will have to enter the Wealthy Affiliate program to find out more.

Monetizing Your Passion: Strategies for Online Income

The internet offers a vast range of opportunities to generate income. Here are some popular strategies to consider, depending on your interests and skills:

Selling your expertise:

  • Freelancing: If you have specialized skills in writing, editing, graphic design, programming, or other areas, you can offer your services on freelance marketplaces.
  • Consulting: Share your knowledge and experience by consulting for businesses or individuals in your field.
  • Online courses: Create and sell online courses to teach others your skills. Platforms like Udemy, Skillshare, or even your own website can host your courses.

Content creation:

  • Blogging: Start a blog on a topic you’re passionate about and monetize it through advertising, affiliate marketing, or selling your own products or services.
  • YouTube channel: Build a YouTube channel and get paid through ads or sponsorships.
  • Podcasting: Podcasts can be monetized through advertising, sponsorships, or selling premium content to listeners.


  • Sell your own products: Create and sell physical or digital products through your own online store or platforms like Etsy or Shopify.
  • Affiliate marketing: Promote other companies’ products and earn a commission on sales you generate through your website or social media channels.
  • Print-on-demand: This allows you to sell custom t-shirts, mugs, phone cases, and other products without having to hold inventory yourself.

Other Ideas:

  • Become an online tutor: Share your knowledge by tutoring students online in various subjects.
  • Livestreaming: Platforms like Twitch allow gamers and other entertainers to generate income through subscriptions and donations from viewers.
  • Social media management: Help businesses and individuals manage their social media presence for a fee.

Tips for Success:

  • Identify your niche: Focus on a specific area of interest where you can build expertise and attract a targeted audience.
  • Build a strong online presence: Create a professional website or social media profiles to showcase your skills and offerings.
  • Provide value: Focus on creating high-quality content or services that solve problems for your target audience.
  • Market yourself effectively: Utilize SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and social media marketing to reach your target audience.
  • Be patient and persistent: Building a successful online income stream takes time and effort.

Remember, the key to success is to choose a strategy that aligns with your skills and interests, and to consistently deliver value to your audience.

Wealthy Affiliate Training

This is the backbone to the Wealthy Affiliate program and where all the main value comes from. You cant get this type of training anywhere online and the community and support is huge.

If you just follow the step-by-step instructions and follow the sequence of training modules you will be on your way to success.

This is not easy work! so I’m not going to sugar coat it. But if you can stick to the training and serving your audience 100% you will get there.

Training Included in Wealthy Affiliate

Business Hubs

This brand new area of the program was rolled out this year and let me tell you it is amazing!

All you have to do is create a new hub, and follow the steps, it is that simple.

The business hubs training area includes:

  • Choosing a niche
  • Brand ideas
  • Creating your website
  • How to make money
  • Creating a about me page
  • Registering a domain
  • Adding a logo
  • Creating a Privacy policy
  • Affiliate program walk through
  • Setting your WA profile
  • Keyword research
  • Adding menus
  • Writing reviews, comments
  • Domain Email Addresses
  • Creating Gravatars
  • Adding featured images
  • Writing articles
  • Setting up SEO, Google site kit
  • Learn about website speed
  • Learn how to use AI
  • Internal linking
  • Learn how to connect socials
  • Join affiliate programs

And much, much more! Now that is a lot of learning. Name a program that includes all that in one affordable monthly subscription from $45 dollars.

You cant can you?

There Is No Risk!

Did I mention you can cancel at anytime and walk away with valuable knowledge that you will struggle to learn else where.

So go on and take a shot, sign up today for your FREE starter account and take a look inside to see if it is for you.

If you have always wanted to start a business, this is your moment to get started before it is to late.

Start Your Business Today and change your life for the better.

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